Employment Status of GSC Graduates as Influenced by I-Plano mo Intervention as Personality Development Approach



Personality, Packaging, Needs, Employment, Students


The study was conducted to determine the employment status of GSC graduates as influenced by I-PLANO MO interventions as Personality Development Approach. Descriptive and eclectic research designs were used to describe the data gathered for the study. The gathered data for the demographic profile of the respondents were analyzed using frequency count and percentages. The respondents of the study were represented by the purposively selected grantees of the Expanded Students’ Grant-in-Aid Program (ESGP-PA) and their peers who were selected based on their academic performance. The academic performance was based on their general average for AY 2016-2017. The result of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were males, taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and had a very good academic performance. In addition, all of the respondents need to join the job fair while most of them need training for personality development and career path planning. Moreover, an I-PLANO MO was designed by the college to address their needs. Furthermore, after one year of graduation, all of the respondents were hired but on a contractual or casual basis, with only 25 percent hired on the Local School Board by the Department of Education. 


