Economic Status of the Mango Industry in the Province Guimaras



economic, mango, status


In the Philippines, mango ranks the third most important fruit croup based on export volume and value next to pineapple and banana. Majority of the mango traders were 38 years old to 47 years old, with 53.3%. Most of the mango traders were also female with, 56.7%. As to their civil status, most of them are married, with 80%. As to their educational attainment, most of them have undergone college, with 70%. As to their average monthly income, most of them have Php 20,001 to Php 45,000 monthly income, with 30%. As to their business capital, most of them have put up more than Php 30,000 for their business. Results revealed that (12 or 40%) of the respondents said that the supply of the mango industry in Guimaras is low and the demand is high, the supply is high and demand is low (8 or 26.7%), and both the demand and supply are low (7 or 23.3%). The factors that mostly affect the low supply and demand of the mango industry are bad weather/ continuous rainfall (25 or 83.3%), higher price of pesticides (21 or 70.0%), and off-season (20 or 66.7%). It is shown that (22 or 73.3%) believed that conducting lectures/seminars about mangoes, sponsoring mango plantations (18 or 60.0%), and exporting mango products (17 or 56.7%) are the best strategic options or interventions to improve the mango industry in Guimaras. 


