Anthelmintic Efficacy of Jackfruit (Artocarpus Heterophyllus) and  Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) Leaves Decoction Against Intestinal  Roundworms of Goat


  • Julius T. Vergara, Ph.D. Guimaras State College Author


Anthelmintic, Jackfruit, Ampalaya Decoction, Intestinal Roundworms, and Goat.


The study on “Anthelmintic Efficacy of Jackfruit(Artocarpus Heterophyllus) and Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaves decoction Against Intestinal Roundworms of Goat” was conducted on February 07, 2016 to March 17, 2016 in the Municipality of San Lorenzo, Province of Guimaras with the following objectives: (1) To determine different parasites present and the percentage of roundworms in the fecal samples of goat.(2)To evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of jackfruit and ampalaya leaves decoction against intestinal roundworms of goat. (3)To determine the differences on the levels of decoctions in the reduction of intestinal parasites. (4) To determine the mean effective dose of the different concentrations against intestinal roundworms in goats. Based on the analysis of variance there was no significant effect of the different treatments to the reduction of the eggs of the nematodes after the administration. This implies that different concentrations of jackfruit, ampalaya and combined decoctions have similar effect in the reduction of eggs per gram of the fecal samples of goats. The effective dose of jackfruit leaves decoction is 64.29 using probit analysis. Therefore lethality of the dose can be reached using 64.29 concentration jackfruit decoction. The effective dose of ampalaya leaves decoction is 20.27 using probit analysis. This implies that only 20.27 concentration of ampalaya leaves is needed to attain the lethality of the herbal dewormer preparation. The effective dose of using different combinations of jackfruit and ampalaya decoctions can be attained in 60:40 ratio of concentration. This implies that the lethality of the dose can be attained using 60:40 concentration of jackfruit and ampalaya combinations of decoctions. Analysis of Variance showed significant effect of the different concentrations of jackfruit and ampalaya to the larval development of intestinal nematodes of goats. The concentration of both 


