Republic Act 9003: It's Implementation Impact to the Community
Republic Act 9003, impact, GuimarasAbstract
This study aimed to determine the impact of implementation to the community of Republic Act 9003. An experimental research design was utilized using the 24 barangay officials as subjects where the total population was taken. A researcher-made questionnaire was used in gathering the data needed. It was found out that the residents had a low level of practice of RA 9003 as to source reduction, to a high level as to segregation and to a moderate level as to processing before the conduct of the study.; after the conduct of the study, the residents had improved level of practice of RA 9003 whereas to source reduction and processing, were to high level and for segregation to a very high level; before the conduct of the study, the impact of the implementation of RA 9003 on processing was to a great extent; the impact of the implementation of RA 9003 on processing after the conduct of the study was to a very great extent; there is a significant difference in the level of practice of the residents in the barangay of RA 9003 on source reduction, segregation, and processing before and after the conduct of the study; and there is a significant difference in the extent of the implementation of RA 9003 on processing before and after the conduct of the study.