Tabagak in Mango Sauce: Ready To Eat Emergency Food



tabagak, mango sauce, experimental


Food assistance during calamities, war and food shortage play a vital role in helping those in need. This study aims to develop water retort tabagak in mango sauce a and to determine its general acceptability. Tabagak in Mango Sauce Composition per bottle with total weight of 250 g composed of 6 pieces pre-cooked tabagak, 70 g Mango Sauce composed of canola oil, mango concentrate, salt, laurel leaf and pepper corn. The hedonic rating scales are used to quantify affective dimension of the consumer perception of tabagak in mango sauce. The confirmatory test result indicated that Tabagak in Mango Sauce processed at 120 0C for 60 min had better quality since it had shorter cook value that affect highly influenced the physical quality parameters like appearance, aroma, taste, mouth feel and texture. 


