Teacher Education Admission Test Result in Mathematics: Basis for Pedagogical Enchancement


  • Enriqueta N. Siva Guimaras State College Author


Guimaras State College, mathematics performance, pedagogical enhancement, achievement test, Buenavista


College admission test is not an uncommon occurrence in an incoming freshman’s journey. It is a measure of his/her aptitude and a guage whether he/she will be admitted in a higher education institution. Guimaras State College (GSC) conducts admission test yearly to all its incoming freshmen. This study looked into the admission test performance of all the 90 incoming freshmen to the College of Teacher Education of the GSC-Salvador campus, specifically looking into the mathematics outcome. It is aimed to determine whether pedagogical enhancement in mathematics is necessary. The study employed a descriptive methodology and utilized mean, percentage and rank as its statistical tool. The 90 incoming freshmen was composed of all the test-takers from 2015 to 2019 which is inclusive of four academic years. The office of the Guidance Counselor provided the data which was used in this study. It was found out in these data that the takers performed as “average” in their mathematics questions, which was composed of basic mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and statistics. It also showed that the students performed best in trigonometry and poor in basic mathematics. There were salient topics identified in each mathematics area where the students performed either good or poor. The author recommended, based on the outcome, that pedagogical enhancement be employed to improve student learning and performance. 


