Awareness, Practices, and Implementation of Gender and Development Among State Universities and Colleges


  • Enriqueta N. Siva Guimaras State College Author


Awareness, Practices, Implementation, Gender and Development, State Universities and Colleges


This study assessed the awareness, practices, and implementation in terms of the key areas of GAD such as policy, people, enabling mechanisms, and programs/activities/projects of Gender and Development (GAD) among State Universities and Colleges in Region VI, Philippines for the academic year 2016-2017. The respondents of the study were the selected faculty and staff applying descriptive method as the research design in gathering data. The researcher made instrument was utilized after thorough validations of experts using Good and Scates 8 point agenda and reliability test using the Cronbach’s alpha and the statistical tools used and setting level of significance at 0.05 alpha was prioritized. It found out that the respondents were highly aware, often practiced, and just implemented in terms of the key areas of GAD such as policy, people, enabling mechanisms, and programs/activities/projects. There were significant differences on the awareness when grouped according to SUC level, type of SUC, population, age, sex, civil status, religion, and employment status while no significant observed in terms of category, length of service, and educational attainment. There were significant differences on the practices when grouped according to SUC level, type of SUC, population, age, sex, civil status, and religion while no significant differences observed in terms of category, employment status, length of service, and educational attainment. There were significant differences on the implementation when grouped according to SUC level, type of SUC, population, age, sex, civil status, religion, and employment status while no significant observed in terms of category, length of service, and educational attainment. Lastly, there were significant relationship between the awareness, practices, and implementation. 


